I had a dream last night...
I saw the Prince, trudging through the woods at midday, and looking none too happy.
The Fox came hopping along, looking up at the Prince as he said "Good friend, I see that you have overlooked my advice yet another time–"
When the Prince angrily spun around. "What have you gotten me into?! I've become nothing more than a common thief! And not a very good one at that!"
The Fox looked around in confusion, uncertain of what to say. So the Prince continued:
"All my father wanted was the bird that belonged to this golden feather, and now I'm on my way to kidnap the daughter of a king!"
"My Prince," the canine began, "I tried to warn you of the way you should go. But ease your mind, I can assure you that all of this is to set things right. You know that those men are not the true owners of the horse and bird, they were merely given to them as bargaining chips!"
"And what of this princess?" asked the boy, turning away in frustration. "I suppose there is something I am to look out for here as well? And if she really to go to that scoundrel?"
The Fox closed his eyes and lowered his head. "I can assure you that the Princess will not end up with the Rider of the Golden Horse, for I am twice the gentleman as he! The Princess will go with you willingly, she has been waiting for you, and I know where to find her."
The Prince looked back at the creature, asking "Then where am I to take her?"
"That will come at its appointed time. For now, let's make our way to her castle. Here, sit upon my tail once more."
But the boy hesitated.
So the Fox told him "I have not steered you wrong up to this point, and I shall not start now."
The boy considered it for a moment.
"I want things to turn out right... far more than you know."
Finally, the Prince nodded. "I will do as you say. But promise me that this is the last time I shall every have to steal anything."
"The very last indeed." replied the Fox. "And on any account, a willing princess is not stealing at all!"
So the Prince sat onto the Fox's tail, and away they went, flying over stock and stone, until the wind whistled through their hair!
Nearing the castle, the canine stopped at the edge of the nearby forest, and let the Prince get back on his feet again.
Adjusting his hat, the Prince asked "Just tell me in which room I will find her."
"Oh, she will not be in the castle tonight. In preparation for her Birthday, she will be taken to the royal springs to bathe. You must hide near the springs until she appears, and quickly step out and kiss her on the cheek. Then she will know that you mean her no harm, and shall willingly follow you where ever you go."
"If it is as easy as that, I think I shall like this one most of all." declared the boy.
"But, my Prince, you still need be aware. I know the Princess. She will want to wish her parents goodbye. But you cannot let her. You must resist her pleas. For if she goes, you may find her beautiful golden dress to much to resist, and ask the maiden to try it on. Beware I say, or it may go badly for you."
The Prince nodded. "This time, I will follow your advice to the letter."
–Charles M Warren