I had a dream last night...
I saw the Golden Princess, riding the Golden Horse with the Golden Bird, as the Prince and his two brothers walked along beside them.
The middle brother drooped his head forward, saying "How long have we been walking like this?"
When the eldest seemed to get an idea. "Let's go cool ourselves in that forest there. We may even find a stream with which to refresh ourselves."
Everyone thought this a fine idea. And soon enough, they found a nice shaded path, with some low-hanging trees they could rest under.
When the eldest prince pointed at something up ahead. "Look there! What's better than a stream? A stone well!"
The all gathered near it, with the middle brother flopping into the grass, and the eldest helping their younger brother to draw up a bucket of water.
The Prince watched his oldest brother pass around the water, as he sat on the stones around the well, and asked "So did the two of you just make it back into that town? You must have searched everywhere to have decided to head back home!"
His two brothers looked at each other, and let out a laugh, with the oldest one replying "But we did find the Golden Bird."
The Prince looked confused, as his brother went on.
"You brought him right to us!" and with that, the eldest prince pushed his youngest brother backward into the well!
The Princess gasped as she saw the boy fall, but the two other princes quickly pounced on her and the bird, as the younger said to her "You won't say a thing! We'll take you to our father, and you'll just play along, or we'll say you're a witch and have you thrown in the dungeon!"
"Yeah!" his older brother agreed. "No one will believe a witch!"
So they put the girl up on the horse's saddle, and climbed up themselves, with the Bird in their hands, forcing the horse to carry the three humans atop his back.
Soon they were at the castle of the Golden Apples, where the King came out to greet them, in utter disbelief at the wondrous creatures they had brought.
"Father!" cried the eldest. "We have found the Golden Bird!"
"And a Golden Horse and Golden Princess as well!" added his brother.
"Absolutely astounding!" exclaimed their father. "And what of your brother? Did you happen to see him, by chance, on your journey?"
The Princess glared at the two princes, knowing she could say nothing herself.
The younger prince turned to his brother, whispering "He may have yet survived. And could spoil the whole lot!"
The eldest nodded, and turned to the king. "Father, I have grave news. A robber killed our brother and stole his clothes, just as he stole our own! I would advise that guards be sent to watch the forest, and kill anyone they see coming out of it."
The king appeared quite troubled. "Yes, yes. That sounds good. We shall repay that murderer."
The Princess felt some comfort in the two brothers' doubt in their sibling's demise. So she said to the king "Your majesty, if I may, we saw no body for the youngest prince. It may be that he has somehow survived."
The two brothers looked at her angrily, but the king nodded at this, and ordered that the golden animals and the Princess be given food and housing.
And as the day went on, the Princess could think of nothing else but the poor Prince, with the king noticing how she would only sit by herself a weep. And as beautiful as the other creatures were, the Golden Bird would not sing, and the Golden Horse would not eat or allow anyone to ride him.
–Charles M Warren